Saturday, March 29, 2008

From A Pauper To A Princess - The Journey of a Puppy Mill Dog (Entry 4)

Karen, one of CPCRN's foster mentors, has graciously allowed us access to her diary documenting the journey of Flopsy, also known as Rusty, from the puppy mill to her forever home. The diary will be broken up into short sections and posted. Check back for new entries in the series entitled "From A Pauper To A Princess - The Journey of a Puppy Mill Dog". (Previous Journal Entries: Entry One, Entry Two, Entry Three)

No changes today, in fact we had a little set-back in Rusty’s confidence. I am trying to teach her the word, “stop” so she knows when we stop on the leash, it also means stop off the leash.

Rusty is just one frightened and confused little girl. She is going to need a very patient and understanding adoptive home.

Rusty does not know the joy of toys or playing with the other dogs, yet. When Rusty is frightened, she will not take any treats from me, she turns her head away.

Rusty continues to wake me in the middle of the night, she does not like her crate and I think she’s afraid she will never get back out of it again.

Rusty continues to have no accidents in the house!

Today, I decided to leave Rusty out of the x-pen while we are at work. I left the door open to the pen, so she could go in and out of it while I was at work. When Tony got home from work, all was well, so I think Rusty has graduated from being in the pen all day.

Tony and I spent a lot of time laying on the grass this evening, playing with our fur kids. Rusty was avidly watching us. The minute she would notice us looking at her, she would scurry away. What was cute, is she was inching her way over to us and stood there for a few minutes. You can see the torment in her face, as I think deep down, she wants to join in with us.

We had a beach towel laying on the grass next to our larger blanket. My back was to the towel and Rusty can over and laid on the towel. She really wants to be a part of us.

We took Rusty for her first walk outside of the yard. Of course, she was double leashed for extra precaution, because I know we’d never catch her if she got away. Rusty’s walking practice in the backyard has really paid off; she did wonderfully!! I couldn’t believe how she would just trot along with everyone else. She only hesitated a couple of times, but there was no sign of struggle on the leash. This activity might just be the confidence builder she needs.

I decided to lay back a little with Rusty and not push her too much. I wanted her to just watch us interacting with the other dogs.

Rusty is getting a little easier to catch, but not by much. She still skitters away, until she finally gives up, knowing that we aren’t going to stop.

We have taken Rusty on walks the past couple of days and she is doing quite well. I am trying to build up her confidence with the walks.

Rusty has done well being left out of the x-pen with our dogs, while we are at work. She is using the doggy door to go outside and potty.

She still refuses to eat her meals in front of me, but I think that will change with more trust. McDuffy has tried to play with Rusty a couple of times, but she hasn’t a clue as to what he is doing and will move away from him.

This morning, Rusty came right in the door with the others, but she hasn’t done it again, since. I think she was as surprised as I was. I usually have to hide or remove myself at least 20’ before she will go in or out of the door.

To Be Continued ...

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