The CPCRN blog encourages terrier owners to submit personal essays for the blog. Please adhere to the following guidelines.
Originality: Essays submitted to the CPCRN blog must be written exclusively for Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network, and must not have been previously published or submitted to any other media account.
Length: CPCRN blog posts are short and concise. We recommend a length of approximately 250-700 words.
Formatting: We prefer Microsoft Word documents, as it allows for easier editing, but other formats are acceptable. Please do not send PDF files.
Photos: Photos that accompany the essay should be submitted as jpg or png files, and attached (not embedded) in your email message. Please suggest photo captions. We do not post photos showing faces of children younger than 18 years old. If you submit such a photo, we will blur the child's face so they are not recognizable.
Essay Editing & Formatting: We use the Associated Press Stylebook, and edit at our discretion for grammar, flow, and readability. Also, the Yahoo Style Guide is very helpful for writing digital copy, since people read differently online than they do with hard copy. We do not use made-up words or "doggy talk." We only contact the writer when we have a question about the meaning of a particular passage, if the accuracy of a statement is in question, or if more information is required.
Credentials: Please include verifiable contact and credential information (i.e., curriculum vitae and/or brief biography). You may mention company affiliation and contact information.
To Submit: Send your Word document, and any photo in jpg or png format, to
Thank you! We look forward to sharing your stories!
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