Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Heart of Col. Potter -Georgie is now an Angel

Written by Georgie's Mom

Thank you for the many kind words. Alan and I are devastated but yet we are so glad we could take care of Georgie for as long as we did. We just wish it had been in our power to make her healthy so that she could have had the years she deserved. She was a delightful bossy little sprite beloved by all. She came here skin and bones and left us a sturdy, well-muscled little girl.

Unfortunately that would have changed as she did not want to eat, take the extremely necessary meds, or have fluids daily.I will be watching for a glimpse of her from the corner of my eye with her halo tilted over one eye or the other like her precious little crooked smile.

We've asked our Spice, Benji, Elfie, Fletcher, and Norry to welcome her and show her all the best spots at the Bridge. Alan feels that she will get together with our Spice and if there are things needing to be done Georgie and Spicey will make a powerful pair of nags to get things straightened out.

Georgie was a stray so I think she would have appreciated A Dog's Last Will which Sandy A. fixed for me.

Hug your dogs and be grateful for every day they are relatively healthy.

Note from CP Blogger: Georgie's foster mom and Dad loved her dearly and took care of her and gave her many special days as they cared for her medical needs. It became apparent this week that she could no longer tolerate the treatments and it was time for her to go to the Rainbow Bridge. She was officially adopted as part of her family (as well as the entire Col. Potter family) before she left this world. This speaks to the loving nature and dedication of Georgie's parents as well as the high esteem in which all of Col. Potter's rescues are held.

Thank you for loving and treasuring her. We share your loss.

1 comment:

  1. With tears in my eyes, I like to send my condolences to the Mom and Dad of Georgie. Bless you for making her last days filled with love. I sure wish we could save the world but at least this one knew love and a forever home at the end.

    Carol Minkus
    Ashley, Shadow and Nicholas.


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