Monday, March 26, 2012

Pictures of Salisbury's puppies and an update on her condition!

Contributed by Salisbury's foster mom

Salisbury had her spay done as she was having issues with temperature swings and was on oral antibiotices for infection. During her spay, it was discovered that her uterus had ruptured and had some leakage into her. She went home and seemed better but then her temperature dropped again and shock was suspected. She was anemic and spent the night at the Emergency clinic for aggressive IV antibiotic treatment. In the meantime, see who served as a surrogate mom to her pups while her foster mom and dad did the feeding and cleaning!

Surrogate Mama

Mike picked Salisbury from the emergency clinic to move to our vet first thing this morning. Our vet put her on two oral antibiotics and more pain meds and released her to come home for a trial as long as someone will be here all day with her. If she doesn't well, she will have to go back in.

I haven't talked to our vet yet about all the details of Salisbury's visit there, but the vet is suppose to calling me now that I am home from work.

Salisbury was very clingy to Mike once they got to our vet:) And once she was home, she went straight in and nursed her puppies. She is still laying in with them now. She did take a drink for foster dad and as soon as she is done nursing, I will offer something to eat.

I pray that we have finally rounded the bend and Salisbury is on the road to recovery.

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