Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thinking About Your Cairns and Door Safety!

"Look at me!" is a key element in teaching your Cairn not to rush out an open door - but there's so much more!

Throughout the Holiday Season, your doors may oven  many more times than usual, so this is a great time to think about your Cairns and door safety.  This is another really great video by Zak George which demonstrates how to teach your Cairn not to rush out the door with "Sit/Stay" "Leave it" and "Look at me" commands, using positive training methods.  There is a spot of advertising by his sponsor, but it does not detract from this really helpful video.  Obviously, the dog is not a Cairn, but everything Zak demonstrates applies perfectly to a Rescued Cairn.  Note his admonitions to go slowly, take precautions, and set your dog up for success!

Training your Cairn can be rewarding!

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