Sunday, September 12, 2021

Sunday Sweets! Sunday is full of SWEETS! Each week we showcase the sweeter side of Cairns. If you have a sweet filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR photo for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets!" send it to us at (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.)


Alley Bean is out cold


Annabelle is just a tad spoiled on her "Puffy Bed"


14 yr old Baby D Sleeps like a baby



Cooper is in there somewhere

I Swear he is !!!!



Harv hanging half out the bed



Izzy uses the pillow to maintain position



Maddie maintains alert status while sleeping



Marcello takes up a lot of space for such a small dog


Monty & Leelo sharing THEIR Chair



Noble Ralphie on his Magical Sunflower Quilt



Orva needs a bigger bed



Meet Oscar Part Cairn / Part Cat


Sweet Sophie peeking out of her Nap Fort


Wiggles has a leg up on the competition 

when it comes to sleeping



Merry Anne's Favorite Songs are The Twist, 

Twist & Shout, and anything by Twisted Sister


Chester must be having a good dream


Max says, Oh so you wake me up to 

take a serious picture ? Here picture my tongue.

Nighty Night Mamma !!!



Not gonna happen Mama, Max told me ALL about 

your evil need for a serious picture

1 comment:

  1. Merry Anne is on the puffy pillow and Annabelle is thing the twist! Great captions. Thank you for the smiles of all the furbutts


Please feel free to share your thoughts and stories with us!