Thursday, December 26, 2013

Ty Settles in Forever!

Contributed by CP Ty

CP Ty getting settled in Forever!

Michigan?!!!  Never heard of it before, but we are certainly not in Florida anymore!

New sister Tartan and Ty sit for cookies

CP Ty here!  You might recall that, back in June, I had a Big change in my life after many years with one family.  I was just getting settled into my Foster Home in Florida, when up, up, and away I go – this time to Michigan!  I flew here in a great big airplane!  My new Mom drove to the airport to pick me up, and my new Gramps and Grammy watched my flight on the computer – tracking it, sort of like I would track a snake or a lizard!

Grandpa and Grandma track Ty’s flight from Florida
Ty meeting Mom - Cheek to cheek!

After I met my new Mom – and did all the hugging and stuff – I finally got to meet my new sister, Tartan.  She’s still making her mind up about me (playing hard to get!), but I like her just fine!  I am glad my New Mom fell under my spell so quickly!  She just had to take me along to work with her to show me off, and I love riding with her and meeting lots of new people!

Ty learns about snuggling, far from the warmth of Florida!
Oops!  I didn’t mean to step on that little button, Mom…

So, Michigan, smishigan, who cares if it's not Florida!  I love my new Mom and I am planting myself right here Forever!

Take a look at Ty’s CP Intake story:

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