Sunday, March 16, 2008

From A Pauper To A Princess - The Journey of a Puppy Mill Dog (Entry 2)

Karen, one of CPCRN's foster mentors, has graciously allowed us access to her diary documenting the journey of Flopsy, also known as Rusty, from the puppy mill to her forever home. The diary will be broken up into short sections and posted. Check back for new entries in the series entitled "From A Pauper To A Princess - The Journey of a Puppy Mill Dog". (To read the first journal entry click here.)

Tony and I had to corner Rusty in the yard this morning to bring her back inside. We have tried to have her drag a leash, but it frightens her even more when she gets caught on things and when I am trying to step on the leash. It’s so heartbreaking to watch her run with fear.

Today, after work, we decided to set up an x-pen on the grass where we lay with the dogs. We put Rusty inside & she seemed immediately relieved she doesn’t have to deal with that huge yard. I decided to put Holly in there too, because she is the gentlest with other dogs. Rusty liked the company and laid down.

When Tony went inside for a shower, I decided to put a towel in the pen and lay in there with them. Holly snuggled up next to me for scritches. Rusty was close enough for me to reach over and pet her under the chin and on the chest. When I stopped, she sniffed my hand! I pet her again, stopped, she sniffed; I repeated this several times with the same results. I laid in the pen for over an hour. I put the leash and harness on Rusty and walked her around the yard, then put her back in the pen. I brought out the grooming table and set it up next to the pen and groomed Starry and McDuffy. Rusty laid there and watched. Tony got in the pen with her and started to Mars her. She didn’t seem to mind. I put Rusty on the leash again and walked her around the yard. I decided to see what would happen if I let the leash down. Rusty trotted around, but not frantically. She would stop and sniff the ground several times. Rusty actually had a look of relief in her eyes! She shook her body a couple of times and it looked like she had a doggy smile on her face. The big test was to see if she would let me catch her. I spoke to her as I walked towards her and she didn’t run! Hooray! I squatted down stretched out my arm with the back of my hand up and she let me touch her. OMG, was I excited, we had a breakthrough!

We went back into the house and Rusty was put in the x-pen. She climbed into the bed we bought for her and relaxed.

I am so determined to teach Rusty to trust and I think we have taken a step in the right direction.

To Be Continued ...

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