Tuesday, June 22, 2010

TEMPERATURES RISING! Join the Campaign to keep dogs from dying in hot cars!

PRESS RELEASE (from http://www.mydogiscool.com/)

As the weather heats up, so does a national campaign to stop dogs from dying in hot cars. Please review the following information to protect your pets.

SACRAMENTO, CA — United Animal Nations, a national non-profit animal protection group, launched its "My Dog is Cool" Campaign on May 6th to prevent dogs and other animals from dying in hot cars during warm-weather months.

Every year, dogs die after being locked inside cars while their owners leave them to shop or run errands, often for "just a few minutes." These tragedies occur with alarming frequency, yet the animals’ deaths are completely preventable.

"People mean well by taking their dogs or other animals along with them while they work, visit, shop or run errands, but warm weather can turn a car into a death trap," said UAN President and CEO Nicole Forsyth.

A Stanford University test found that when it is 72 degrees outside, a car’s internal temperature can rocket to 116 degrees within an hour, even with windows cracked. When it is 85 degrees outside, the temperature inside a car can soar to 102 degrees in 10 minutes and 120 degrees in 30 minutes. A dog can only withstand a high body temperature for a short time before suffering nerve damage, heart problems, liver damage, brain damage or even death.

The lifesaving Web site www.MyDogIsCool.com is a free, friendly resource to help spread the word about the dangers of leaving dogs in hot cars.Please click this link to obtain resources which include:

"It’s hot!" fliers that people can leave on a windshield if they see a dog unattended in a hot car, a weather forecasting tool that allows pet owners to enter their zip code to see if it is too hot to take their dog in the car and free downloadable "hot temperature warning" posters that can be hung in store windows. These can all be obtained by clicking the link highlighted in red.

www.MyDogIsCool.com provides everything people need to know to keep dogs safe during hot weather.

United Animal Nations (UAN) focuses on bringing animals out of crisis and strengthening the bond between people and animals through a variety of programs, including emergency sheltering, disaster relief services, financial assistance and education. Learn more at http://www.uan.org/

If you would like to bring attention to this campaign and support Col. Potter's fundraising efforts, please follow this link to check out some great t-shirts!

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