Wednesday, October 21, 2009

And Noooowww.....Here's CP's BIG BOY BERT!

Dictated by Col. Potter's Foster Bert to his foster mom

Derew Col Potter Fambly,

My name is Big Boy Bert! My foster mama's picked me up anna took me to her house da day after CRAP. Da first day, when mama came home, she wuz reddy to call Da Big Mama Sandy T. She sed it looked like I'd used a fire hoze in my xpen. :-) She said I wuz gonna need a bellyband, fast! She eben measured around my (ahem) YOU KNOW WHAT!

So da next day I wuz a model gentleman. It turns out dat dis izn't jes anudder vet place dat I can pee all ober. Dis is a real home, like da one I had before and you don't pee in your real home! (I figured dat out when mama put da bellyband onna me. :-)

So I dug deep down and bemembered what it wuz like to lib in a home and I been berry berry good since then. I keep my crate and xpen dry ALL da time.. When I go outside to go potty, I do my business and den come to da door to come in. I LUBS riding in da car! When mama took me to da vet, I took one look at da car anna I sed, "YeeHaw!" I jumped into da front see like I owned da place. Mama put my seatbelt on so I could see out. Dee only ting was dat da last car I rode in wuzn't a minivan. So when I tried to put my feet onna dash and see out da front window, I missed. :-p

I also likes da fambly room. Did you know dey habs a TOYBOX atta dis foster home??? WooEEEE! As soon as I laid my eyes on it, I hurried ober to check it out. (Dey got some SWEET toys here, folks!) I'm still kinda nerbous, so I DID jump onna da couch anna da fireplace hearth, but I didn't mean to. I fink I need to pwactice not jumping onna da furniture. I nebber had DAT rule before!

Mama says to tell you dat I got a cute face anna da brindling (whats dat anyway?) makes me always look likes I gots a dirty face. Anna I talk a LOT. I say, "Mumph, Mumph, Mumph.......Mumph, Mumph, Mumph" when I'm feeling friendly and "Mmmmmmmmm" when I gots to go potty and mama's not getting to da door fast enough.

I hasn't gots to meet de odder kids in da house yet. I had kennel cough when I gots here, so da vet sed I couldn't meet dem for at leest TWO weeks! I'm taking medicine (in cheeeeze - YUM) anna restin up. So I gots a liddle ober a week left before I can meet eberybuddy, iffen da vet sez it's ok. So in da mean time, I'm practicing up on sum new skills. I alreddy figgured out how to move my linoleeeum anna expen ober to da door so I can be reddy when mama cums. I bring my bed ober too, so I can be comferble while I'm waitin.

So stay tuned for da furder abentures ob BIG BOY BERT! Commin soon to a CRM near you! (As soon as dey let me outta my bedroom!)


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