For our new folks and a refresher for us old folks.
Back in the late 2009 and the beginning of 2010, we had a few groups of fur kids come in known as the “City Slickers”. This was quite the group as so many of them had coats of rich, luxurious and amazing Cairn fur. We were in the market for a young girlie for our Rocky (26 lbs of muscle and love).

Rocky was one of the “Composers” (Sousa) that came in to CP in November 2007.
We felt with all the old ones we had here at the time (Ginger and Miri – the two little wheaten girls crossed the Bridge in November 2010), that a puppy would work best, as the old mill mommas are quite more accepting of puppies.

We did try fostering another one of the “Slicker” kids, Nashua (nka Bella, who just happened to be Gabby’s MOM), but we could tell, at 4, she just wasn’t really up for the crowd we had here, and all the play she was in line for with Rocky. Bella was adopted after a short foster period with our Beth and us, and is now living a great life in ME and FL with her forever family. We saw all of the pictures and read all the stories of the “City Clickers” coming in, and our radar set on little Calgary – a sweet little only weeks old girl, who came in with her two brothers and their momma, Vancouver, and were lovingly fostered in AR by our Lori and Mike. These puppies had some issues, but nothing they (or we) couldn’t overcome. We were approved to adopt and when we spoke to the foster mom, Lori, she said “What about DETROIT”? My response was “what about Detroit?” How did this little Ewok slip under our radar? I HAVE NO IDEA. Lori and I talked about her (she was known as Gabby), and after some soul searching we said, sure – we would love her. This was April 2010

See what I mean – think Star Wars – think EWOK!

Gabby would have to stay with her foster family until we could get her.
We were so excited, but had to wait until June to meet our little girl and bring her home. We did this, with MUCH anticipation, at our Missouri CRAP at Karin M’s home over the weekend of June 18-20. Brian met her first, and didn’t even know he was petting his new girl. Then Rocky met her, then I met her. Can you say LOVE!!!

She had energy for sure, but would Rocky in his LARGENESS, be too much for this little 9 pound girl? Gabby was 9 going on 10 months old, and probably wouldn’t get any bigger. She was very ill when she came into CP, but with love and care she overcame – although small – she overcame.
The dogs were the true test, they were fine in the big yard, but how would they be one on one back at the hotel? Hmmmm?

Question answered!
The CRAP is over, and we head home, 17 hour ride, with one stop in OH. Then home, where all the others are. Well…

…no one really cared.
She let it be known that she was HOME immediately. She puts Rocky on his back a lot, which he LOVES, and she’s surely comfortable here.

Where Rocky goes, she goes – there is a bit of competition for a thrown Cuz or Kong – but they take turns retrieving and totally enjoy each other. THIS is all we really wanted. You can ask the question “is it wrong to get a Cairn for your Cairn?” We say:


At 11 pounds, and a joy to everyone that she meets, we just celebrated her first Christmas in freedom, and she and Santa made a pact – something about being a very, very good girl in 2011. We shall see about that.
Thanks Col. Potter, Lori and Mike, and GABBY for giving us this wonderful little life to love.
Oh, and WHY is she called Gabby? You tell me: (Video link!)
So if you're looking for the perfect cairn for you, apply to adopt by clicking here. Don't worry if you're not sure which one is right for you, Col. Potter has matchmakers!
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