Hi all! I am super excited to start this series about keeping a healthy pet. I think it is all too common to see pet obesity and I am a passionate nutrition lover. This is why I've come up with the Healthy Hound Series – a guide to help you better serve as a health ambassador for your dog. It's meant to be a basic guide that will give you lots of knowledge while being easy to follow.
The Basics of Selecting a Food Plan for Fido! Part I
The cornerstone for a healthy Cairn terrier is a healthy and appropriate diet. To start looking at the over-all strategy for a food plan begins with you and some knowledge of what goes into the food you feed your dog. Here are some basic guidelines to help you become a food advocate for your dog:
1. The Cheaper the Food, The Cheaper the Ingredients: Many of the bargain-brand foods from your grocery store are full of ingredients that will make your dog pudgy. These include things like “meat and bone meal” which are basic filler products devoid of lean protein and nutrients. You'll also find things like “corn meal” which is a natural protein source, but is often overused in dry dog food. If your food lists any sort of grain or meal as one of the first 3 ingredients, it can signify a lack of nutrients and an overload of empty carbs. It is worth the extra pennies to get a nutritious dog food- in the long run it can help you save on vet bills due to weight-related problems.
2. Lean Proteins are your friend: Look for products that are “grain free” or that have proteins like fish, poultry or meats listed as primary ingredients. Carbohydrates can always be supplemented with healthy alternatives and grain free foods still have a healthy amount of carbohydrates from natural sources in them. In the wild, dogs survive off of lots of lean protein so the closest you can get them to their natural diet, the better. In fact many dogs have developed grain-related allergies because their diet isn't varied with protein-rich foods.
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