Over the past few months, we've really been at our wits end trying to potty train our 5ish-year old Cairn, Reggie AND our 9-month-old, Gemma. Reggie is potty trained in the traditional sense but will mark anything that moves within or is added to his space. Gemma has to “go potty” more than any dog I've ever owned and is still quick to go in the house if we wait too long to take her outside. We've made some progress and I can see them making (slow) improvements. However, in the meantime, we've spent a lot of time on our hands and knees, scrubbing carpets and washing floors. This is why I feel compelled to share what I think is the best $139.00 I've ever spent.
The Bissell Spot Bot Pet with Pet Stain and Odor Formula:
This portable, steam-cleaning gem was what we used our Christmas gift cards for. I walked out of Target so excited to use it that I almost wanted the dogs to have an accident. Fortunately or unfortunately, we didn't have to wait any significant amount of time before Gemma gave us our first spot to “bot.” We filled the one compartment on the SpotBot with warm water and then filled the other with the “Pet Stain and Odor” solution by Bissell.
We then set the SpotBot right on the carpet spot and pushed the 3-minute cycle button. Being that it was the “maiden voyage” for our new gizmo, we both sat and watched the magic as the SpotBot sprayed and suctioned, scrubbed and spun. After three minutes, we lifted it up and found a very neatly cleaned wet circle where our stain had once been. We simply rubbed out the edges of the circle and it was dry within about 20 minutes! I still spray some Natures Miracle cleaning spray on top just to neutralize any odor but our carpet looks and smells much better. I'm also a much happier person now that I'm not the one scrubbing up accidents all the time. Now if we can only get them to stop creating the mess altogether, my life will really be complete.
Be sure to visit the CP Mall to check whether or not you can purchase this through one of our CP affiliates. Many sites, including Amazon will donate a portion back to CRM if you shop through this link.
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