Note from CP's Blogger: We would like to thank all of you who have made such generous donations towards Sarut's care. She even has a facebook page! This has been updated by our CP volunteers and we would like to share her story and her road to recovery with all of you. This is her story since December 27th and we will be posting weekly updates from now on.

Look at me. Look at me. Look at me. Don't I look just AMAZING. My fossa mom and CP are working wonders. (Of course I am working hard at it too
Some words from my foster mom and from me (I'm first of course):
Hello everyone! I am sorry that fossa mom has been slow at keeping you up to date on my progress, you understand, she is only human. My mouth feels much better after having so many teeth removed that I have even been chewing on some bones, I like bones. I have not been back to the doctors yet because fossa mom keeps calling me mangy but she says I have to go see the vet real soon. I hope they have cheese there or maybe a cheese bone!
Foster mom here. Little Sarut, or Sugar as we have been calling her is doing great. She is still getting medicated drops and ointment in her eyes throughout the day and loads of vitamins and supplements in her food. I carry her drops and ointment in my pants pocket so they are warm when I put them in her eyes, I think she likes this. Sugar usually makes this cute closed mouth smacking sound as I scratch her jaw after I put her eye medicine in. She is a very sweet girl and likes to be at your feet or in your lap during the day. I had to put a dog bed under my computer table for her and almost always find Sugar and Halik curled up together in it. They like sleeping with each other. Sugar has two more mange treatments to go and she hardly itches anymore. Sorry we do not know more about her eyes right now but we can say they don't look any worse, only better for this little one!
There has been a number of serious inquiries from adoptive homes and we are touched with how good people are and their willingness to continue with what probably will be life-long eye drops and care. It's hard for me not to fall in love and want to keep her, but she needs to go to a home that she can bond with and get the individual attention she deserves. We will be talking with some of these homes in the coming weeks and will keep everyone in the loop on what is happening. Please let's not forget the other Sealed with a Kiss kids that arrived with Sarut and in the same rotten shape or the other needy foster kids in our program. They all need your love and support.
January 10, 2011
From my foster mom:
I wanted to share that I was just watching Sarut play bow in directly front of my Daley. Daley is completely blind and Sarut is completely sight challenged. Daley started walking forward directly into Sarut. Sarut jumped for joy thinking someone was going to play with her. In her jumping she lost track of where Daley had wandered off to and was left standing alone in the dark. Feeling sorry for her I gave her a chunk of swiss cheese, life is good.
Jan 7, 2011
I would like to thank everyone for all the love and support I have been shown in my first experience at a real life. I'm feeling better, but surely I'm not out of the woods yet. I have some more medication to go before a return trip to the vet. I will let everyone know what the doctor says, especially about my eyes. Now go and check out the new photos I posted today. And yes, that IS me. I am so pretty
See my progress in the video here:
Jan 5. 2011
The Col. Potter people are interviewing two eye specialists now. With one they can get me in within 7-10 days. With the other it will be about 2 weeks unless they consider it an emergency.
They agree with us that it's important to have her feeling somewhat better when she goes in as far as recovery and mouth/teeth healing since mouth/ear infections can also be transferred to eyes since they are somewhat related.
Dec 31, 2010
Look how much better I am already! (And notice that my shirt is the color of CHEESE

Dec 30, 2010
Good morning everyone! I slept well and in freedom only to wake up to breakfast. Can you imagine that? Food in the morning and the night and sometimes in between as well. Life in freedom is wonderful. ♥ Sarut (Please donate to help with my care by clicking here .
Dec 28, 2010
Guess what? I like cheese! CHEESE! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Dec 28, 2010
Thank you everyone for getting this going and spreading the word about poor little ole me. I am in a wonderful foster home and getting nutritious meals to help with my emaciation, treatment for my mange, and of course intense treatment for my eyes. I do not know when I will be up for adoption as Col. Potter will not let me go until I am health or healthy enough that a forever home can finish the process of my rehab.
Dec 27, 2010
Sarut needs your help. She has not had an easy start to life. In her 6.5 years on this earth so far she has known nothing but filth, cruelty, and abuse. Her tiny 12 pound body endured more than its share of neglect. Sarut is in danger of losing both her eyes. She is currently on expensive medication to try and save them. Sarut had a dental when she was spayed and besides the 5 missing teeth she had already she had 17 more extracted and is on pain medication for this. As if her emaciated body had not had enough hardship she also has mange and is being treated for that. This little girl is a fighter and wants to live a good life. She can't do that without your help, won't you please consider becoming a guardian angel for Sarut? Please click here to join those who have already become her guardian angels.
oh goodness I'm so obsessed with her and I'm jealous of the family that gets to care for this courageous little lady. So happy she's doing so well- I've been following right along!