Taming the Wild Side Dog Training
Note from from CP Blogger: We would like to thank Terri Elkins for allowing us to post her weekly taming tips on our blog. Her training facility is located in Fort Worth, Texas.
Each week we'll share a Taming Tip for you, your family and friends to do with your dog(s)! These tips will help teach your dog real world manners in a fun way. Leave us a comment and tell us how it went!
Taming Tip #13:Call a friend and set up a training play date! On your date pick two different behaviors that you would like to work on. Practice each behavior a couple of times and then TRADE dogs. Now practice the behaviors with each other's dogs! You will be a great distraction when asking for the behavior that you have already practiced. Dare you try loose leash walking for a few steps?! Let us know how it goes. Remember, click and reward every time the dogs get it right!! Have fun!!
Please click here to visit their blog.
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