Friday, August 1, 2014

Cauliflower & Sprout find Hope at Col. Potter!

Written by CP Vice President of Intakes

Sprout is only 12 weeks old, but faces a major medical hurdle
Cauliflower keeps a close eye on baby Sprout

You may remember that little Sprout and his mama, Cauliflower, were part of the Col. Potter Summer Garden Group that recently joined the CP family.  You haven't heard much about Sprout and Cauliflower because we learned, at intake, that there was a good chance sweet, little Sprout had some major medical issues.  Sprout relies on Cauliflower to look after him, comfort him, and play with him.  They are really sweet together.  Thanks to their rescuer, an extraordinary woman named Monika, Sprout and his mama have been extremely well cared for these past two weeks while Sprout has undergone extensive testing. 

Unfortunately, our concerns were confirmed: Sweet, little, 12 week old Sprout has a birth serious defect called a liver shunt, a blood vessel that carries blood around the liver instead of through it.  Because the blood bypasses the liver in dogs with these shunts, toxins may build up in the bloodstream or kidneys.  Additionally, the dog lacks the necessary materials to give it a ready source of energy and to help it grow.

Sprout has been placed on a special homemade diet, medications, and supplements that will not only be easier on his body, keeping the toxins to a minimum, but also provide him with the nutrition he needs to help him grow and gain strength to prepare him for possible liver shunt surgery.  The life expectancy for puppies who do not have the surgery is not good.  However, for those lucky enough to have liver shunt surgery, survival rate is over 95% for dogs with shunts treated by ameroid constrictor placement, and long-term prognosis is better with this technique than with most other methods.  What's an ameroid constrictor you ask?  It is a ring type device that slowly closes off the shunt over a period of weeks, allowing the liver to gradually adjust to bloodflow through it rather than it all happening at once.

Sprout's medical expenses to date have already been costly.  It will be at least another month until we know if Sprout is a candidate for liver shunt surgery.  Hopefully he is, but if that is the course that is taken, his care and surgery will put an extremely heavy financial burden on Col. Potter.  This is on top of the regular care that each furkid that comes into CP receives.

Please consider making a contribution to Col. Potter so that we can continue to help sweet, little 12 week old Sprout and the other CP Cairns with critical medical needs. 

Please send your donations for medical assistance to:

CPCRN - Medical Fund
c/o Danielle Rackstraw
P. O. Box 1354
Menifee, CA 92585-1354

Cauliflower and baby Sprout appreciate your help!

With our help, Sweet little Sprout is growing and learning each and every day.  This little sweetheart is fighting desperately to gain his Cairnitude and hopes for a long, happy and healthy life.  He's very lucky to have his mama, Cauliflower right by his side, and of course all the love and support from his CP family.

Please help Sprout on his journey...

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  1. Sprout is now living a happy, healthy life in is forever home. You can follow his adventures at
    Thank you to Monika, Ann, NCSU, and Creekside Animal Hospital. Sprout brings us so much happiness and joy and he is truly an example of Col. Potter's inspiring work. We can't thank you enough!!

  2. Was Sprout born in North Carolina? What became of his Mother, Cauliflower. I noticed in the anonymous post... Creekside Animal Hospital was mentioned and NCSU, both are in North Carolina near Raleigh


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