Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Yvonne Strays Into Some Good Luck at Col. Potter!

Written by a CP Intakes Coordinator
Yvonne, an approximately 1 year old Wheaten Female

Over a period of several days, a kind man noticed a small dog running stray in a commercial area.  He called animal control so that the dog would be safe.  The animal control workers recovered a very young, sweet, and petite Wheaten Cairn.  Yvonne was only one year old and needed to add a few pounds to her 11 pound frame.  While this sweet girl was safe from the streets and had much needed food, she was terrified in the high volume shelter, and she had limited time for adoption or rescue.  Col. Potter was happy to rescue Yvonne and ensure that she received proper veterinary care.

While Yvonne unfortunately tested positive for heartworm, Stage 2, she is a very lucky little girl to have joined a rescue family with plenty of experience guiding dogs successfully through this horrible disease to a full recovery.  Sweet Yvonne has now journeyed to her Foster Home and has started her lengthy heartworm treatment.

Very special thanks to Dee H. who was so very generous.  She drove a good distance to collect sweet little Yvonne and deliver her to the vet, and she also bought and donated the collar, harness, leash, and crate for Yvonne!   Thanks also to Cathy M. who helped deliver Yvonne to the safety of her Foster Home, and to Mary S. for accepting the task of lovingly guiding Yvonne through her heartworm treatment.  It is the many wonderful volunteers, like these, who make CP such a special and successful Rescue!

Please consider making a contribution to Col. Potter so that we can continue to help Yvonne overcome her Stage 2 Heartworm diagnosis,  along with the other CP Cairns with critical medical needs. 

Please send your donations for medical assistance to:

CPCRN - Medical Fund
c/o Danielle Rackstraw
P. O. Box 1354
Menifee, CA 92585-1354

Please note “Yvonne Medical” on your check if you wish to specifically support her medical care.

Please give a warm Welcome to Yvonne and keep her in your thoughts and prayers!

Col. Potter Needs a Few More Clinics! 
Please Volunteer to Foster and help us deliver critical care for every Cairn in need!

Please  Consider being a CP Volunteer!

CP Foster Home Application form:

CP Transport Volunteer Driver form:

CPCRN Volunteer form:

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