Sunday, December 14, 2014

Sunday Sweets!

Sunday is full of SWEETS!  Each week we will showcase the sweeter side of Cairns.  If you have a sweet filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR picture for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets!" send it to us at (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).

Foster Australia aka Aussie

Zander, Bea, and Neha

Mackie, Penney, and Dougie


Foster Tommy R


Foster Cove

Foster Dan

Baxter fka CP Bruin

Lily Beth fka CP Tessie


Daisy fka CP CeCe

Bacca and Bridget fka CP Allegheny Moon


Miss Divinity


Please feel free to share your thoughts and stories with us!