Thursday, May 5, 2016

Tips to Ease the Stress of Separation Anxiety!

Their anxious expressions pull at your heartstrings, but if you can remain calm and set aside the time, daily, to step-by-step condition your Cairn to trust that you will come back, you can eliminate the stress of Separation Anxiety.

Leaving your Cairn at home for any amount of time can be terribly frustraiting if your dog is insecure and suffers from Separation Anxiety, as many Rescued Cairns do.  This training video by Zak George demonstrates how to teach your anxious Cairn to relax and learn to trust that you are going to come back, using very gentle, positive training methods.  There is a spot of advertising by his sponsor, but it does not detract from this really helpful video.  Obviously, the dog is not a Cairn, but everything Zak demonstrates applies perfectly to an anxious Rescued Cairn.  Note his admonitions to go slowly, take small steps which you can build on, and set your dog up for success!

Training your Cairn can give you freedom to come and go without stress!

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