Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Tuesday Tails: Pablo's Excellent Adventures

Some dogs have all the luck! Col. Potter rescues are among the luckiest, but Pablo is especially fortunate. His adoptive family – Rod  and Nancy K. – is the perfect family for this little adventurer.

We don’t know what Pablo's past was like; all we know is he was voluntarily surrendered to CPCRN when he was five years old.

“Pablo was a challenge to us as foster parents in a number of ways (and mind you, we had fostered some of the most fearful ‘mill mommas’ you could ever imagine),” says foster Lynne Prokop, “but he is also such an incredibly loving and funny little man!”

“When Rod and Nancy came to pick Pablo up, the little stinker jumped into Ron's huge pick-up without looking back. I knew right then that he had found the best forever home!”

Wearing his life jacket, Pablo enjoys kayaking with Ron as they watch the birds, dolphins, and manatees.

He also loves boating, and is very comfortable on the high seas.

Roaming the beach is cool too!

Pablo is a natural biker, riding alongside Rod and wearing a special pair of "doggles." He is an honorary member of the Aleppo Shrine Motorcycle Unit.

Don’t get the wrong idea about Pablo. He is not some shallow gadabout. He gives back to his family, as well. For instance, Pablo is a big hit at the assisted living facility when he visits Rod’s dad.

Of course, Pablo has his special moments, like any other cairn.

And he shares common doggie fears, as well...

"The other night we had a very bad storm with lots of thunder. He doesn’t do well with that or with fireworks,” Rod recently wrote to CPCRN. “I stayed up with him and comforted him. The next day he woke me up with licks and never left my side.”

“Nancy and I couldn’t love this guy any more than we already do. We were so lucky that we all found each other.”


Share stories about your CPCRN dogs! Send your stories and photos to cpcrnblog@gmail.com.


  1. Love to read the "forever After " stories that Col Potter made possible!!

  2. This gust makes my heart giggle. I love hearing forever stories. Thanks for sharing

  3. LOVE THIS incredible FOREVER update!!!!
    Pablo found the perfect family and they found the PERFECT DOG!!!!!!!

  4. Pablo's family was definitely lucky to find such a gem. He has a great life, and they love him so much.


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