Enter CPCRN rescue Darmok (now Winston), a 12-year-old stray rescued in May from the streets of New York City. After his fostering, Debbie and Ron adopted him in July. The planets were in perfect alignment for Holly and Winston, and the stars twinkled just a bit more brightly when these two dogs came together. The doggie companionship was not immediate, of course, but Darmok (now Winston) bonded with Debbie from the get-go.
Winston gazes lovingly into Debbie’s eyes on adoption day, while Holly waits next to them. |
It was easy to see that Holly wanted to make friends with Winston, but Winston didn’t give his heart away lightly.
“I’ll just take this corner of the bed. I hope you don’t mind my butt!” |
As the days passed, Winston obliged Holly with an easier friendship -- while still maintaining his own space. Holly was determined, however.
“Hey lady, you can lay next to me, but just don’t touch me, okay?” |
The weeks passed, and the two started sharing more activities, including the clincher: chasing chipmunks!
The tired couple came in the house after an exhausting and fun search…
"Chipmunks, come out, come out, wherever you are." |
The tired couple came in the house after an exhausting and fun search…
And they lived happily ever after...
ReplyDeleteWhat an INCREDIBLE PICTURE and ENDING!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks so much for this heartwarming FOREVER!!!!!
....how touching and sweet..!
ReplyDeleteThe bonding process in pictures. Great story.