Sunday, September 24, 2023

Doggie Confessions


Sunday is full of SWEETS!  Each week we showcase the sweeter side of Cairns.  If you have a sweet filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR photo for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets!" send it to us at (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).


Next Weeks Topic : 

Welcome Fall


And Now We present to you

All Confessions are 100 %  ficticious, as they are 
made up by the Author strictly for your amusement 
and should not be taken seriously

Callie Confesses: When Mommy is 
napping I clean the kitchen floor.

These unnamed cuties aren't 
sure who rescued whom

Sophia is checking on her secret 
"Grow Operation" Says Sophia, 
"Dang human keeps destroying the wrong weeds"
*************** Note The following Dogs are 
Upcoming Adoptee candidates whom are 
CP's "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" ***
Little Arkin (Not to be confused With Allen Arkin)
Has actually given paw prints at Alan Arkin Meet and Greets
Despite his claims, Edison here didn't invent the light bulb 
(Although he may have tried to eat one or two )

Fionn was not a stunt double on the show "Shameless" even
 if her name nearly matched an unnamed charactor

Neesie lied to get on the show "Claim To Fame"
Sorry to disappoint, but Leesie is not related to either 
 Nessie or Lassie

Reddick is not related to Tyler Reddick
Although he has made a killing selling t-shirts on Ebay.
Adds Reddick "Allegedly"

and lastly Zack here keeps telling everyone 
he is a quarterback for "A Professional NFL Team"
But everyone knows the New York Jets
already have a short dog named Zack at Quarterback



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