Sunday, February 18, 2024

Potpourri of Cairns

Sunday is full of SWEETS!  Each week we showcase the sweeter side of Cairns.  If you have a sweet filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR photo for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets!" send it to us at (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).


Next Weeks Theme:  Leap DAAAAAAY !!!!!

 Show us you lil ones Jumping and Leaping. 


Miss Tessa Mirrror Mirror on the wall

Showing off my double image for one and all


Mabel wants a bird friend...


...and some Tacos !!!!!


While Marcello (RIP) always wanted 

His Chicken Nuggets from that 

place that isn't open on Sundays


Paddy isn't obsessed with food, 

He just wants his toys



Ghillie a champion performer,

prefers to work on his acting skills.

Here he is practicing his role as a

Antique Bronze Statue



Actress Loki is not impressed with Ghillie's acting.

Says Loki, "speaking roles are much better than sedentary roles".

You may recognize Loki by her signature tag line of 

"Buy me a drink sailor" in her many 

feature film appearances


To which Award Winning Film Critic Essie says

"That's a stretch"




 Sunday Sweets presents Odin, 

Greek God of the Unimpressed


3 Dogs in a window Checking out 

the fresh snowfall



Harnish & Grace feeling let down with 

the dusting of snow they got 


Noble Ralphie and Libby say 

"Hey Harnsh and Gracie, Want Snow, Move to the 

Higher Elevations the weather humans talk about"

Bumble Bee waiting on next weeks 

issue of Sunday Sweets


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