Sunday is full of SWEETS! Each week we showcase the sweeter side of Cairns. If you have a sweet filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR photo for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets!" send it to us at (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).
Next Week More Olympians
Chummy & Pal have arrived in Paris
and are not pleased with France's
"One Swag Bag Per Team"
Chummy & Pal are the Favorites in the
24 hour Tug of War Competition
which ironically will have no French Teams participating
Reggie will also compete in the
1000 Meter Belly Crawl
Editors note: he got his training in Normandy and Seigon
Here is Reggie with his trainer
on the Balance Beam
Looks like Edwin is having a bit of trouble
with the Gymnastic Rings
Pal makes the winning save
in the Soccer Competition
Reggie & Dickens practicing take down moves
as they prepare for the
Wrestling (Not Wrasling) Competition
Pringles is no Couch Potato on the
Balance Beam. Here he is nailing his
Signature Move, The Belly Flop
to take the Gold !!!!!
Sophia says "These Gold Medals taste nothing
like the Eiffle Tower !!!!!"
Essie Who is not known for Biting Her Lip
nor her Diplomacy actually Bit Her Lib but
still sent the judges in the Staiway Soccer
Competition a message.
And they are all gold medal winners (love the message, Essie!).