Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network's New Leash on Life!
CLOSES: Sunday, April 11th, 2010 at 9:00 PM EDT
Please consider purchasing even ONE square for $15.00 to help Col. Potter continue it's mission of rescuing, rehabilitating and rehoming cairn terriers.
Announcing a new New Leash Fundraiser!! http://mall.cairnrescue.com/newleash.htm
Each day our intakes team gets leads on dogs that need rescue - some we can help, Some are already being helped and we can be thankful others are also there to help them, and some we cannot help. Some owners just need advice on how to care for a cairn - those independent minded little snots. But every now and again, our intakes team learns of dogs in need who need assistance VERY quickly - at that time they Spring Into Action - checking for foster homes, getting agreement from the Board of Directors that we have enough funds to care for them, finding veterinary care, notifying our Transport Team, and then negotiating to get the dogs into CPCRN itself. We are currently working on over 20 dogs who need our help just since this fundraiser began on March 25.

Your contributions to A New Leash on Life is what gives these dogs a chance at a better life. Help us help the cairns Weather the Storm - helping as many as we can get to a new and happy life. There are more at the door....
It is only with your help and the help of friends, family, co-workers and everyone else whose hearts are touched by the Cairn Spirit that we are able to help them lead happy and love filled lives. Cairns rescued from breeders however are the most expensive to bring back to health and require extended foster stays before they are ready to adopt. On average it costs $800 to rehabilitate them. So please dig deep and participate in this fundraiser. A $15 pledge CAN HELP. $15 is the cost of dinner out or a movie. Can you find it in your heart to go without just this once? If just 500 people pledge $15, we would be able to raise $7500. It's amazing what just a little from a lot of people can do.
As always, this installment of our popular "A New Leash On Life" is dedicated to raise funds to specifically help rescue cairns from puppy mills. Come join us in helping them obtain a new leash on life. http://mall.cairnrescue.com/newleash.htm
. . . where at least one out of every ten who participate can win a fabulous gift! Lets look at the 150 gifts we have to offer:

22" Widescreen LCD Monitor or a Aitpek Camcorder,, quilts and afghans, Denis Springer Cairn Statures, Hand hooked wall hangings made of spun cairn terrier coat, a hand turned mesquite bowl, and many books.
Then there are lovely prints, a Top of the Line Roomba, watches, purses, bird feeders, bed linens and many more prizes!
So, please join us at http://mall.cairnrescue.com/newleash.htm to participate in our New Leash fundraiser and invite your friends and family to do the same! We also have bonus prizes for those who participate. There is a $50 gift certificate for the person who brings in the highest number of different people to donate through referrals and one for the person who brings in the m

Thank you for being part of Col. Potter's family and supporting our efforts. We have been bringing in and adopting out the equivalent of more than one cairn every day this year and last - and we still have over 130 cairns in care right now. Your assistance is greatly appreciated by ALL of the cairns we have rescued this year, and all of us.
A print friendly flyer is located at http://mall.cairnrescue.com/nlol/nlol_xvii_flyer.pdf
We have other fundraisers going on now as well - CPCRN has a chance to win $10,000 in a shelter challenge by The Animal Rescue Site. Since this challenge uses the Petfinder locations, we are listing CPCRN with our Medina OH site. The rules state 'You can cast one vote every day for your favorite rescue organization.' so we ask everyone to vote each day so we can win this wonderful challenge. We know as terriers you all want us to win!
Click the button at the top , then search for Col. Potter in OH - don't forget the period!
The Animal Rescue Site will open in a new window. We are currently in 5th place - we need daily votes to move us up to 4th place to get at least a $3000 prize - You can vote once per day per computer - won't you please help us win this one - it only costs your time.
Doggy needs cleaned up for spring? Our Grooming Mall has toys, grooming items, apparel, doggy seat belts, Frontline and more. We also have some very special items in our Eclectic Corner such as Toy Boxes, cairn aprons, wooden dog beds Fleece dog pullovers, Intarsia Cairns. And don't forget to put our Ebay Store on your favorite sellers - check it out at http://tinyurl.com/yuw48t
Don't forget you can follow the cairns in care - and after adoption by checking out our Media Group. We have two blogs and a you-tube site to get the full view of many of the dogs who are or have been in care.
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