Kaden has had a bit of an up and down life. We have no early history other then he was a stray and became companion to an elderly gentleman for many years. When this gentleman could no longer even care for himself, Kaden was taken in by the man's relative. His relative loved Kaden and even took him with to his work. Then they had a child, and as time passed it became clear that Kaden could not adjust to little people in his home. They knew they would have to find Kaden another home without little people and posted an ad to craigslist.com.
This is where CP's great volunteer searchers on the Intakes Team stepped in. A letter was sent explaining the dangers of offering a dog free and information about Col. Potter. His family contacted CP asking if they could place Kaden with us because they wanted to ensure Kaden would be placed in a home where he would be happy again.
Huge thanks to our CP volunteer who took a day off work to help Kaden become a Col. Potter boy!
Welcome Kaden!
Hey, I know that little guy. Except he's had a bath and gotten spruced up since I last saw him. Kaden is a great Cairn who is going to make someone a fine forever friend. Go Kaden!