A call came into Col. Potter from a shelter to help a stray male cairn puppy who had been hit by a car. His back leg needed medical attention. There was no room in the shelter for this puppy, as animals from a hoarder had taken up most of the available room at county facilities. He was taken to a vet, who determined this 11 months old baby boy had “trauma” to his leg weeks ago, but he was well on his way to healing.
He might have a slight limp, but it doesn’t slow him down one bit. Reportedly he’s an active, cairn personality filled little man. Let’s give a big welcome to the newest intake to CP...Boothe!
Welcome to our family Boothe! We already luv you cutie.XO Sally, Lil Girl Justice, Sammy, Bonnie, Sandy & Miami. (The Justice's 4 short!)