On my – what a story this little guy has! Binky was found as a stray and taken to a vet. The vet scanned for a microchip and contacted his owner. The owner said the dog was her recently deceased husband’s dog and she didn’t want him back. She also said that he’d been staying in her shed in the back yard and she would go out and feed/water him every couple of days. Fortunately for Binky, he found a way to escape the shed and even more fortunately someone found him before something bad happened to him. Everyone at the vet clinic just fell in love with this little guy, but no one was able to give him a new home. So they contacted us and today he’s a CP kid.
Binky is bed and biscuiting this week with a wonderful volunteer until we locate a foster home for him. She said he’s just adorable and very friendly. And he is going to have a gorgeous, multi-colored brindle coat once it grows out. He’s estimated to be 4-5 years old.
I wish we could offer a forever home to this guy, I hate seeing a homeless cairn. With a face like that who could say no?