Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Pepita Finds a New Pedestal at Col. Potter!

Written by a CP Intakes Coordinator

Pepita, a beautiful and sweet 7 year old Wheaten Female

Please extend a warm Welcome to Pepita, a lovely 7 year old Cairn princess!  When things changed in her castle, her family made the heartbreaking decision to find her a new kingdom.  This beautiful Cairn had nothing but the best - something many Cairns coming into Col. Potter have never had.  This special girl had it all - love, warmth, good food, grooming, and vet care.  Her owners are very thankful to Col. Potter for helping Pepita find another kingdom where she will be put back on the throne.

And what does this charming Royal bring to the throne?  Pepita loves to give sweet kisses and will allow her subjects to offer her belly rubs.  Tennis balls are her absolute favorite!  She likes grooming too - what pretty girl doesn't?  She doesn't like thunderstorms or noisy rain - a sweet girl like her might melt!  Pepita has already has made quite an impression on the Royal Guard.  After less than 24 hours in her Foster Home, Foster Mom reported, “She is adorable, lovely, and perfect!”  Clearly, a new kingdom is on the horizon for this darling little Cairn princess!

Welcome to Col. Potter, Pepita!!

Col. Potter Needs a Few More Pedestals! 
Please Volunteer to Foster and help us offer a Royal lift to every Cairn in need!

Please  Consider being a CP Volunteer!

CP Foster Home Application form:

CP Transport Volunteer Driver form:

CPCRN Volunteer form:

Col. Potter’s Name a Rescue Cairn Program

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the best Cairn Rescue there is. You are a pretty little girl and I know they will find you the best forever home possible where you will receive the same love and attention you got from your surrender family.


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