Tuesday, October 7, 2014

A Dandelion in October!

Written by CP Dandi

Mom is always watching me!

Have you ever had Dandelions in October? 

Well, I know my name is Dandi, but Mom calls me “Dandelion” so she has a dandelion every month of the year!  Some people do all kinds of things to get rid of dandelions, but my Mom does just the opposite!  Works for me!

You may remember that I came here with a big problem.  My heart wasn’t put together right at the factory so…  What Mom?...  Oh, I was born with a “congenital heart defect” Mom says.  She called it “Tetrology of Fallot” and it is pretty bad.  However it happened, my heart is not hooked up right, and that means I don’t get the right amount of blood flow, and that means I don’t get enough oxygen to really live.

I like to supervise Gabby, Allie, and our friend Luca in the pool

Well, I am living pretty well, though, right Mom?  Mom is always here, or some other nice person is here, all the time, just to make sure I don’t get into trouble with this oxygen stuff.   They always have an extra supply of oxygen that I can have whenever I need it.  I also take special medicine to help keep things working right.

Sometimes I get to visit with sick children, but not too much.  I like this special little girl who calls me her “Furry White Angel” and I make her smile, even though she has problems with her heart too.

See!  I'm in charge of the play room!

When I go to the hospital with Mom, which I really like to do, I spend most of the time in the special play room.  All of my brothers and sisters and friends come there too, and we have a great time!  Sometimes Allie and Gabby, Ashley, or one of the other Therapy Dogs go off for thirty minutes to visit patients, but then they come back and play with me.

Now, the other dogs only come to the hospital two days a week for only half a day.  It’s really only four hours, so I think that isn’t really a half a day, but Mom calls it “half a work day” so I guess she knows what she’s talking about.  The point is, I get to come every day, and this means something very important: I get to control the room, and what fun that is!  I have all of my own favorite toys, but I also get to steal my friends’ toys, and that’s the best!  I love being in charge!

We have a nice patio at home...

...and a nice big yard - with lots of toys!

We have a lot of fun finding things in the grass...

...and we like to team up to keep the squirrels up the tree!

Of course, at home, I like to run things there too!  We have a beautiful yard and lots of fun toys, and critters to hunt and chase!  That takes teamwork, so I am glad to have the help.  I guess I don’t always have to be the boss!

My big sister Ashley has a heart problem too, but her problem is different.  Mom explained it to me, but I still don’t really get it.  The important thing is that I look at Ashley as a good role model, and she gives me lots of encouragement.  We both might have what Mom calls “uncertain futures” but we are here right now, living every day to the fullest, one day at a time.  I’m OK with that, you know, because each day we know we are loved more than I bet you can imagine!

I get lots of encouragement every day!

Thank you Col. Potter for rescuing us and helping us find the very best Mom!  What’s that, Mom?...  Oh…  Mom says I should thank Col. Potter for my Freedom...  Well, I’m the boss right now, so I’m sticking with my own ideas!

Thanks for finding me the very Best Mom!

Read my Intake story:

Read Ashley’s Intake Story (CP Highway):

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