Sunday, January 27, 2019

Sunday Sweets!

Sunday is full of SWEETS! Each week we showcase the sweeter side of Cairns. If you have a sweet-filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR photo for an upcoming Sunday Sweets, send it to us at (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).

CP Nellie Mae reminds us of an important truth

Clearly, Foster Santorini is a mama's boy (aka cuddling with Foster St. Lucia)

Foster Bonnaci is oh so happy to be found

CP Doris and westie brother Norton cuddle cutely on their beds

"Make sure to get my ball in the picture," says Foster Fernando

Foster Fitzroy's lovely black and tan must come from his dad's side of the family

Sunny (aka CP Halia) shows off her sunny disposition

"Did you say walk?" says Lucas. "I'm all ears." 

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