Saturday, April 19, 2008

From A Pauper To A Princess - The Journey of a Puppy Mill Dog (Entry 7)

Karen, one of CPCRN's foster mentors, has graciously allowed us access to her diary documenting the journey of Flopsy, also known as Rusty, from the puppy mill to her forever home. The diary will be broken up into short sections and posted. Check back for new entries in the series entitled "From A Pauper To A Princess - The Journey of a Puppy Mill Dog". (Previous Journal Entries: Entry One, Two, Three, Four, Five, Six)

Rusty still tries to elude us when we want to catch her, but she does relent, after a few laps around the kitchen or in the yard. This is improvement from the times we would have to “corner” her to catch her.

Rusty isn’t fond of the doorways and will not come inside the house, unless we hide behind the cabinets. Same goes with going outside. We need to be completely out of sight, and then Rusty will scurry outside.

Tonight, on our walk, Rusty acted like she wanted to run, so we all ran for a ways down the street. She actually looked like she enjoyed it. However, the minute we looked in her direction, she appeared as though she is searching for a safe place to hide.

After the walk, we stood out front at the neighbor’s house, talking and so they could give the fur kids some treats. Rusty didn’t want anything to do with the treats and looked very concerned the entire time. She paced at the end of her leashes, until we went home. I know Rusty has made some miniscule improvements, but I just want so much more for her.

We took the fur kids to Pet Smart this evening to pick up a few things. It was nice and quiet, which was perfect for Rusty. She really did well while we walked around the store. Of course, she was nervous to start, but after about 30 minutes, she began to sniff around and check things out a little bit. Rusty’s favorite part was the ride in the truck. She really enjoys her rides.

After returning home from our nightly walk, we cleaned out the pool for the kids. McDuffy had gotten in, and then began to race around the yard. Holly gave chase with McDuffy, then Rusty joined in! She actually chased McDuffy with Holly! You could tell she didn’t quite know what she was doing, but she was doing it!! It was so awesome to see Rusty do this, even if it was only for about 5 seconds. I’m so happy for her. She actually looked as though there was a smile on her face.

Rusty had another major breakthrough this evening. She played with Holly! Rusty was actually jumping on top of her then she play bowed and zoomed. The play session lasted about 5 minutes. I think it was a big stress reliever for Rusty. We still haven’t progressed too much with us, but I think the canine play is a step in the right direction.

Another play session for Rusty tonight! She was zooming and rough-n-tumbling with both Holly and McDuffy. We also took the pups on a walk tonight and she did fabulous, as usual. Rusty really enjoys our walks.

At feeding time, when I take Rusty and Holly outside to eat, Rusty is doing the “happy dance” just like Holly. It’s so cute to see her mimic Holly.

To Be Continued ...

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