You'll all remember in February we brought in the City Slickers. There were several females that didn't make it in at that time as they were about to whelp or already had puppies to nurse. Well, seven weeks later, three females and, to my surprise, three puppies made it into Col. Potter.
On Thursday, April Fool's Day, you know the day to play tricks on your friends and acquaintances, I receive a phone call from our vet telling me the puppies all have ringworm. Ha Ha, April Fool's Day, I chortle back into the phone. Well, this trick is for real and the probable explanation of how these puppies found their way to CP. Now, don't get me wrong, CP is happy to have these puppies and we will get them all healthy and ready to find their forever family.
Oh Canada ... you haven't been forgotten in this group of City Slickers. And, now may I present the City Slickers II:
Dubuque - born 10/1/01

Milwaukee - born 9/1/04

Vancouver - don't have date of birth yet

Calgary - Female, born 2/28/10 - in addition to ringworm, only three toes on rear paws

Winnipeg - Male, born 2/28/10 - ringworm, three toes on rear paws

Montreal - Male, born 2/28/10

I would like to give a very special THANK YOU to Lori and Mike for once again opening up their home to a mom and her puppies. They are currently in the process of setting up a safe, sterile room for Vancouver and her puppies to live in until the ringworm is gone.
With our current four PM groups; Special Man & Woman, Life Been Berry Berry Good, Spring Weeds and City Slickers II, we have brought 21 cairns from commercial breeding facilities into the loving arms of CP within a 5 day time frame. All of them need full vetting, most have health issues of one sort or another, and they need transport to their foster home.
This does not come cheap. Wouldn't it be GREAT if the A New Leash on Life fundraiser was a sell-out? Heck, let's make it more than a sell-out! Give up that pedicure, that extra coffee, pack a brown bag lunch next week, but let's get these furkids taken care of and get ready for the ones still waiting for their chance at freedom!
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