When a puppy doesn't sell or find its home by a certain age, its future is precarious to say the least, especially with the current economy.
For three babies, their future was sealed with happiness when they came Marching Into CP! They are siblings born 8/29/10, so are just six months old. They also got a little extra guardian angel to watch over them from being named from our Name a Cairn Program.
It is my pleasure to introduce March Into CP:
Henry C. - Male, red wheaten, described as a talker. He is named in honor of Sheri K's dad. This was a Christmas present for her Dad which will give much love--to dad and a Cairn--and provide interest for a very long time.

Sir Winston - Male, red wheaten, he's playful but a little timid. He is named in memory of Pam M's 14 year old cairn Sir Winston who went to the Rainbow Bridge in 2009.

Inky Pie - Female, red wheaten, typical bossy little girl with her brothers. She named in memory of Suzanne C's mother whose nickname was Pie. The first nephew born could not say Auntie Pie and called her Inky Pie and it stuck. Suzanne's mom died of pancreatic cancer 15 years ago; she is still missed and submitting this brought tears to Suzanne's eyes.

Welcome sweet babies! We're so happy you Marched Into CP!!
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